Avez-vous des conceptions de géodatabase ArcGIS existantes dans Visio?
Voulez-vous vous assurer que ces conceptions peuvent être maintenues et mises à jour pour les années à venir?
Vous cherchez simplement une meilleure façon de concevoir des géodatabases ArcGIS?
Avec le soutien d’Esri pour les outils CASE et Visio, nous allons vous guider dans le processus de migration de vos conceptions de Visio vers Enterprise Architect - la plate-forme de modélisation primée qui Esri recommande maintenant pour la conception de géodatabase.
Dans ce webinaire, vous apprendrez à:
Some advantages include:
Visio 2007, SP2.
We've confirmed that the migration tools work with Visio 2010, whereas Visio 2013 is unconfirmed. Basically, the Visio installation needs to support XMI export to work with Enterprise Architect. (Note: Esri's CASE Tools is not a required component for the model migration.)
Yes. The main purpose of the Model Migration script is to facilitate generation of schemas from the designs that were originally drawn in Visio. Before generating schemas from your imported model, however, it is useful to check that the model validates in Enterprise Architect. (Select your Workspace stereotyped package in the Project Browser, then use Extensions | ArcGIS | Validate ArcGIS Model).
Some of the warnings the model validator issues can be safely ignored (it can be very strict), but you should correct any errors before generating the schema. For details, see our ArcGIS Model Validation web page.
Apart from Visio, you only need an Enterprise Architect Corporate edition license. The other tools - MDG Link for Visio and the Model Migration script - are free. For details, see our Visio Case Tools Model Migration web page.
Enterprise Architect 12.1 is due for release imminently. Along with that, the updated MDG Link for Visio (1.8.42) will also be officially released, as it depends on Enterprise Architect 12.1.
Even though both tools have Beta status at the time of this webinar, they provide the cleanest import of Visio ArcInfo models to date.
MDG Link for Visio imports various kinds of UML drawing from Visio. If you specifically need to migrate business processes, you could try to import these as Activity models. One of our partners, Cephas Consulting, also provides a specific service for migrating business process models from Visio to Enterprise Architect. For more information, see their Visio BPMN migration web page.
The XMI 1.0 file exported by Visio does not contain enough information to perform a complete import of the design in Visio. Furthermore, no diagram information is contained within the XMI file. That said, MDG Link for Visio does read the XMI file to extract as much model information as possible. It then uses the Visio API to get a more complete picture and to restore diagram layouts.
In terms of ArcGIS-specific information in Visio, the only thing we are aware of is that Composite connectors are not yet fully migrated (though use of these in CASE Tools models appears to be rare). Apart from that, some of the cosmetic aspects drawn in Visio may not be migrated - for example background images in a Visio diagram template.